November 2024 class schedule
Join us for Level 2 Improv Classes taught by the incredible Grace Blakeman.
All classes run for six weeks at The Actors’ Apothecary, 1506 Prytania St.
Space is limited! Please register at www.theactorsapothecary.com/classes.
Level 2
Mondays 6:30-8:30pm
starts November 11
This is your brain on improv
Hoping to enroll in our next class? Please join the Improv Waitlist.
Class Descriptions
You will be introduced to the following introductory improv skills: trust, agreement, give and take, and group mind in a safe and inclusive environment.
Prerequisite: No experience required, just come as you are!
Learning to create full, dynamic characters,we’ll also cover patterns, games, and basic editing tools for scenework.
Prerequisite: at least one improv level at any improv theater, or instructor permission.
Exploring scenework, character work, group scenes, split scenes, other basic and non-basic edits to bring your scenework to the next level. We will also include personal diagnostics.
Prerequisite: at least two improv levels at any improv theater, or instructor permission.
Working on advanced and advancing performance skills. Covering the nuts and bolts of building groups, developing forms, and instruction on giving/receiving constructive notes.
Prerequisite: Completion of Level 3 at Two Friends Improv Theater, or instructor permission.
Two Friends Improv Theater's mission is to support the New Orleans community through performance and education. We are happy to offer scholarship opportunities focusing on women, people of color, and LGBTQ of our community. If you are interested, please fill out this form.